Our Services

Have you or someone you know suffered from domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking? San Miguel Resource Center is here to help. The services we offer are listed below; all services provided by SMRC are ongoing and available throughout the healing and recovery process. We encourage you to call our helpline at 1-844-816-3915 to get started.

Our services are accessible to all victims, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, race, ability or other identities.

24-Hour Crisis Helpline & Crisis Intervention

Trained staff and advocates are available 24/7 to answer questions, listen, provide feedback, and (if desired) respond in-person to emergencies. All calls are free and fully confidential. Helpline callers may remain anonymous.

Emergency Shelter & Financial Assistance

Safe, temporary, and confidential safe-housing is available for victims/survivors of violence and their children. Emergency financial assistance and a housing assistance fund are available to those escaping dangerous situations.

Personal & Legal Advocacy

Available to help individuals meet their basic needs, such as food, clothing, medical care, housing, transportation, and translation/ interpretation services. We offer legal advocacy forms and a victim compensation application online.

Counseling Services

Short-term individual counseling for victims/survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault. Long-term referrals and support groups also available. Our Therapy Assistance Fund provides therapy for all ages to survivors or witnesses of violence.

Resources & Referrals

Click the button below to see a comprehensive list of resources for our clients.

Support Group

We are currently developing a bilingual support group for survivors of sexual or domestic violence. The group will be based in Telluride.

If you are interested in joining, please email Destiny at advocacy@smrcco.org

Need more help?

We have links to many other organizations and resources.

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