Cultural Outreach Program

The Cultural Outreach Program provides culturally aware services to clients of all backgrounds. To learn more about the services we provide, please contact the Bilingual Advocate at (970) 728-5842 ext. 6#.

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What We Provide

  • We provide culturally sensitive advocacy and education to survivors of domestic violence and sexual violence from all backgrounds.

  • We provide translation and interpretation to Spanish-speakers in their interactions with law enforcement, lawyers, counselors, and other service providers.

  • We provide informed legal advocacy to clients who qualify for services under the Violence Against Women Act, including application assistance for VAWA, U-Visa, and T-Visa.

  • We provide cultural competency training to advocates, service providers, and other community agencies.

  • We have a library of educational resources for survivors who speak Spanish.

More Information

For more information on the Violence Against Women Act, please visit the U.S. Department of Justice’s Office on Violence Against Women page: